Allah calls Himself Al-Malik. The word "Malik" in Arabic means "King." Allah owns the universe and controls it. In His Hand is the dominion over all things: life, death, resurrection, the Hereafter, and everything you can imagine. The skies, the beautiful stars, the universe—everything we know and everything we don't know—He is the one and only King of it all. Everything you have belongs to Allah, so don't take pride in it.
Allah is in need of nothing and of nobody. Yet, everybody and everything are in need of Him. He is the true Owner, and we should acknowledge that everything we have is just a mercy from Him through His kingdom. We own nothing; it all comes from Him The prophet (SAW) was reported as saying: "On the day of Judgment Allah will seize the earth and fold the sky in His right hand. Then He will say 'I am the King. Where are the kings of the earth.'